Torrington, CT

New Opportunities (Food For Thought)


  • 30,870 SF Offices, warehouse and hydroponic greenhouse facility.
  • Borghesi built the original 20,270 SF office/ warehouse and greenhouse building in 2021. The second 10,600 SF greenhouse addition was built in 2023.
  • The office, warehouse and shipping part of the project has a 22’ high eave height. Building exterior uses a mix of Butler metal ribbed Shadowall panels, 4’ high tinted split-face masonry knee wall with widows above at the office.
  • The warehouse and shipping area has two 8’x 9’ overhead doors.
  • The greenhouse portion of the project utilized a high tech prefabricated translucent acrylic and aluminum framework. It is a sealed clean room that keeps out all insects that might do harm to the lettuce being grown.
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