Milford, CT

CT Self Storage


  • 84,150 SF Offices and self storage facility.
  • This project has two separate office/storage buildings for a total of 84,150 SF. Building #1, a three story (33,150 SF) main office on the first floor and second story storage. Building #2 (51,000 SF), a two story storage only. The main office exterior features a full height split-face masonry wall, large bands of windows to let in lots of natural light into office area.
  • The exterior rear of the three story building #1 is combination of 4’ high split-face masonry, Brick veneer and clapboard above. The entirety of the exterior of the two story building #2 also features the same combination of 4’ high split-face masonry, Brick veneer and clapboard above. There are also two entries that have full height split-face masonry pilasters on either side of the entry doors and two sets of 7’x7’ windows above entry. A standing seam metal roof is used on all the buildings. The remainder of the buildings have ribbed metal wall panels.
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